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Celebrating Good Care Month

Tuesday 19th July 2022

This month is Good Care Month, which recognises our wonderful social care colleagues and the amazing care they provide. We're fortunate to work closely with fantastic care workers, who help us by supporting patients in their own homes or in care homes once they are discharged from our hospitals.

To celebrate this great partnership, we caught up with a patient, Keith, and his wife, Caroline.

Keith recently spent some time on Rowan Ward at County Community Hospital, where he kept both staff and patients entertained with his endless stories! Once he was well enough to leave hospital, he temporarily moved to Panteg Care Home, where he's been staying as he waits for the support he needs at home to be put in place.

Keith and Caroline are delighted with the care Keith has received, both in our Hospitals and at Panteg Care Home.

Learn all about their story below..