Everyone, at some time in their life, has felt alone, vulnerable or wished that they had more company. Isolation or feeling lonely can affect anyone at any age and at any time. For example, after the loss of a loved one, on leaving the armed forces, retiring, or moving away. Loneliness can impact negatively on people’s health and wellbeing and is reported to being as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
People cope with life events in different ways. For some, going out and spending time in the company of friends really helps. For others, having someone visit them makes such a big difference. But sometimes, people may not like to ask or do not know who to ask for support or advice. If you would like to listen to what people who feel lonely have told us, please visit our website www.ffrindimi.co.uk where you will find a number of digital stories.
Ffrind i mi (or Friend of mine) is a partnership approach across our community where we try and make that anyone who feels lonely or isolated are supported to reconnect with their communities. Much of this work has been increasing our volunteer befrienders to support people who live alone and are lonely, particularly now during lockdown. If you are lonely and would like a befriender or if you are interested in become a befriender, please contact us ffrindimi.abb@wales.nhs.uk