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Studying in Wales

You can continue to use your EHIC or Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC) to access free NHS healthcare if you began a course of education or training in Wales before the UK left the EU. This will apply until the end of your course, even if it finishes after 31 December 2020.

If you started your education or training in Wales after the UK left the EU, your EHIC may not be valid. You should buy insurance to cover your healthcare as you would if visiting another non-EU country.

Important information

We may provide non-clinical information about you to external agencies for:

  • the purpose of confirming your entitlement to free NHS treatment, or
  • to recover debts owed to us for treatment provided

We always try to recover monies owed for treatment provided. We may use external debt collection agencies or take court action.

We always advise the Home Office about outstanding debts in excess of £500 for more than 2 months. The Home Office will prevent you from returning to the UK for as long as this debt remains unpaid.