Every year the Aneurin Bevan University Health Bord receives money from the Welsh Government to pay for healthcare for everyone who resides in Gwent …. And is entitled to NHS Care. Our job is to get the best value for this money by spending it wisely on your behalf.
Demand for healthcare is growing. New and often expensive treatments are becoming available almost every week. Out priority is to pay for those treatments that are clinically effective, can demonstrate that they improve people’s health and offer good value for money.
As a result, there are some treatments that we do not routinely provide and these fall into 2 main categories:
If your GP or hospital consultant believes that your condition will significantly benefit from a treatment that we would not normally provide, they are able to ask us, on your behalf, to fund that treatment for you.
The All Wales Policy, Making Decisions on Individual Patient Funding Requests (IPFR), clearly sets out the process for dealing with such requests and how an application can be made.
The documents below will help guide you through your submission:
The S2 (planned treatment) route may enable you to obtain funding for planned state healthcare treatment in an Eu country or Switzerland. In order to be considered, there are a number of certain eligibility criteria that need to be met. These details are outlined in the guidance notes below. Please note that application must be authorised BEFORE you receive any treatment.
Should you have any question about these processes or wish to discuss please contact;
Individual Patient Funding Request (IPFR) Team
Room 43, Llanfrechfa Grange House
NP44 8YN
Or email: ABB.IPFR@wales.nhs.uk
Or telephone: 01633 623432