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NHS Wales complaints and concerns: proposed changes to the "Putting Things Right" process

This consulation has now ended

Welsh Government has launched a consultation to seek your views on their proposals to revise the way concerns and complaints about NHS care are raised, investigated, and responded to.

The Putting Things Right process intends to:

  • place patients at the heart of the process
  • improve the focus on compassionate, patient-centred communication
  • improve the Putting Things Right process to be more inclusive
  • include an escalation process for urgent concerns of deliberate abuse or harm
  • provide answers after someone dies
  • refresh the arrangements to provide free legal advice and medical expert reports

The consultation document is available at:


How to respond

Please complete the questionnaire at the end of the document. Responses can be submitted by email or post to the addresses below until 6 May 2024.

Further information and related documents

Large print, Braille and alternative language versions of this document are available on request.


Contact details

For further information:



Quality and Nursing Division

Welsh Government

Cathays Park


CF10 3NQ