As a Health Board we are committed to providing you with the most recent and up to date information we have on our services. It is important that you are aware of how long patients are waiting to be seen in our hospitals, how many procedures we may have to cancel and how many patients actually come through our doors.
We also aim to keep you updated on where we potentially have longer than usual waits and the reasons for this. In some of our specialties and services we can sometimes have problems meeting the targets for patients to be seen. This can be for a number of reasons, for example, some of our consultants may have left our services and we are in the process of recruiting new ones. It is important that we keep you up to date with this information.
Access to Emergency Care (A&E)
Week commencing 17th February 2025
Number of patients that attended ABUHB Emergency Departments last reported weekNumber of patients that attended ABUHB Emergency Departments last reported weekNumber of patients that attended ABUHB Emergency Departments last reported weekNumber of patients that attended ABUHB Emergency Departments last reported week
The average time to be seen by Emergency Department Doctor
Percentage of people seen, treated, admitted or discharged in less than 4 hours
140 minutes
Number of ambulances in attendance at Accident and Emergency Departments last reported week
Number of handovers conducted within 30 minutes
Access to Planned Care (eg Surgery)
Average number of planned procedures every week
Number of procedures postponed due to hospital reason (not patient)
Percentage of overall procedures postponed by the hospital