Our Young Carers across Gwent have planned, developed, and written a book, suitable for 8 to 11 year olds to help identify and support young carers as well as providing a key message ‘It’s Cool to Care’ that helps to integrate and accept young carers into society.
The digital /BSL version of Its cool to Care is available to view on the Gwent Regional Partnership YouTube account: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqWteRIbhArtfhO-aHQv3Dw
Hard copy version of the book have been given to all Primary, Secondary schools, Libraries, and hospitals in the Gwent region.
Copies of the book can be purchased from Petra Publishing
Our commitment to supporting young/young adult carers in education remains high. In particular, in identifying hidden carers we have seen a changing climate for young carers balancing their caring roles, alongside coping with firstly school closures, and managing online learning and then reopening of schools further exacerbated by outbreak quarantines.
The Care Collective with the support of the Gwent Carers Regional Partnership Board have developed an online game for young people to use to help them understand what it can be like to live as a young carer.
The young carers online game is accessible to schools and is offered as part of the YCiSP as a way of identifying hidden carers
The game can be accessed bilingually at: www.MyDoubleLife.co.uk
Local Authorities in Gwent continue to develop/enhance their Young carers identification card scheme.
For information on the Young Carers ID card in your areas please contact your Local Authority Carers Team.
If your local authority has Young Carer cards they will enable easier medicine pick up and in some areas allow you to go swimming and use the gym.