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About the Clinic

Why have I been referred?

Being referred in this way means that you may receive further investigations in a timely manner. This is because the symptoms you have could be related to a major illness, including the possibility of cancer.  

There is evidence that an early diagnosis can increase the chances of successful treatment of cancer and other serious illness. 



Does this referral mean I have cancer?

No. Not everyone who comes to the clinic is diagnosed with cancer.  Around 10% of patients seen in these clinics find out they have cancer.  

For other people, the tests may show a different condition. The clinic staff are then able to offer you advice or refer you to a different service. 



What do I need to do now?

It is really important that you do the following things:    

  • Confirm your correct contact number with your GP. 
  • If requested complete and return the FIT test provided by your referring GP as soon as possible
  • Attend your GP surgery to provide a blood sample as soon as possible if not already done. 
  • Be ready to receive a call from the RDC team.
  • Be ready and available to attend the hospital at short notice. 



What happens now?

At the RDC, patients will have an individualised assessment with the aim of achieving a diagnosis and initiating a treatment plan, or to gain the reassurance that nothing concerning has been identified. 

You will be given detailed instructions regarding your appointment when we contact you to confirm your booking.