Lung Cancer is the second most common cancer in women (after breast) and in men (after prostate). Diagnostic investigations and management decisions are often complex and require a multi-disciplinary approach.
The aim of the ABUHB Lung Cancer Service is to ensure a co-ordinated, efficient, and high-quality specialist service for the diagnosis, treatment, and support of all patients through the lung cancer and mesothelioma pathway.
The MDT has the combined function of:
The MDT meets every Thursday Morning via Teams and consists of the following specialists.
Clinics are held in:
Patients are offered the next available clinic appointment on any site, considering any tests required and patients are contacted by telephone by the lung cancer booking’s office, secretary, or clinical nurse specialist to confirm the appointment. If there is sufficient time for mail confirmation of the appointment, then the patient will be informed by mail also.
At the rapid access lung clinic, a full history and examination is performed on the day of the appointment, including lung function tests. A clinic proforma has been designed to capture all relevant information.
Patients will be assessed, investigations reviewed, and further management discussed. Information leaflets are available regarding any diagnostic procedure that the patient undergoes (see procedure related sections). Translational services are available within the health board if required. Every patient is offered written information leaflets pertinent to their diagnosis. It is up to their discretion whether they wish to receive this information.
Patient referral as outpatients to the ABUHB Lung Cancer Service, has traditionally been via an outpatient clinic letter or specific referral letter marked as suspected cancer and sent to a Consultant Physician who is part of the team.
Breathlessness - Helpful information and tips
Lung Cancer Nursing Team Nevill Hall Hospital - Information for Patients, Relatives and Carers
Lung Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist - How we can help you & your family