How Integrated Well-being Networks Work
They connect a community’s strengths and assets so that people build relationships and find the things that matter to them.
We are doing this through:
- Place-based collaboration
- Community-based Hubs
- People who deliver services and support
- Easy access to well-being Information
1. Place Based Collaboration
We are collaborating with partners in communities, building relationships and working together better to make best use of what we have.
2. Community Based Hubs
Hubs connect people with health and well-being resources, activities, and other people.
There are 3 main types of hubs:
- Health and social care hubs
- Local authority hubs
- Other Community hubs
They provide information, advice and assistance in an integrated way.
Linking our hubs maximises their well-being role and improves access to the right services and support.
Everyone working in a community has the potential to support the well-being of the community:
- Maximising thousands of daily connections, making every contact count.
- Enabling people to build on their strengths, and use their family, friends and community resources to find their own solutions.
- Working co-productively with people to explore the options available to them, so they can make informed choices about their well-being.
- Supporting Primary Care teams to work in a holistic way and connecting them to community resources through dedicated link workers.
4. Easy Access to Well-being Information
Integrated Well-being Networks help people to help themselves; by providing ways for people to access reliable information about things in their community, that they can use to keep well.
These can be through:
- family, friends or a service
- a dedicated link worker
- a hub in the community
- technology including Dewis Cymru
Dewis is the online place for information about health and well-being resources and activities available locally.