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About Us

About the service

Patients are seen in a variety of healthcare settings; most are seen in their General Practitioner (GP) surgery either by the GP or the Practice nurse often this is where the diagnosis is made and an appointment to discuss what this means, and the treatments needed.

There is also a team of Diabetes Specialist Nurses and a Specialist GP who may also see patients with diabetes who are struggling to get control of their diabetes and they work with the GP’s and Practice nurses who refer you to the team for them to help to avoid patients needing to attend the hospital or be admitted.

The hospital diabetes service provides extensive in-patient and out-patient services using a multidisciplinary approach that covers all aspects of diabetes care for adults. 

Patients who are sent to the hospital could be seen on a ward or in an outpatient clinic or the diabetes centre. Patients who are poorly and require inpatient treatment are admitted to a hospital ward, for those who are very poorly and come into hospital via ambulance they may go to Accident & Emergency or medical admissions unit and sometimes on to a high dependency intensive care ward.  


Care aims

The diabetes services aim to help people diagnosed with diabetes improve their health through treatments, education, training and supporting self-management skills. We aim to offer high quality care to all adults with diabetes and their carers/families, to enable every person with diabetes to live as healthy and fulfilled life as possible. 


Meet the team