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Diabetes Specialist Nurses

Diabetes Specialist Nurses (DSNs) (Royal blue uniform) are Registered General Nurses who are experienced and have undertaken further university level studies (degree or masters) and specialised in diabetes care. They are vital in providing tailored patient care and promoting self-care management. DSNs work specifically in diabetes care. They are often the first point of contact with the diabetes service if people are unwell, struggling with a diabetes problem or need referring to other specialist services.

DSN’s also provide training, education and support to patients and families/carers, schools, universities, workplace and care homes plus non-specialist health care professionals including hospital doctors, ward nurses, GP's, nurses in primary, secondary and community settings and care homes. They also support patients in the use of technology to support treatment e.g., insulin pumps, bolus insulin calculators.

The senior Diabetes nurses (Navy uniform) are masters qualified with prescribing and managers who have an extensive experience in Diabetes care and are responsible for the Diabetes nursing service.