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Incontinence Pads

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board provides incontinence pads to patients with severe incontinence. The Health Board follows a policy and has a pad issue criteria in place to ensure that those eligible and in need receive pads from the NHS.  

Pads may only be issued once a detailed continence assessment has been completed by a suitably trained health care professional this is usually a community nurse.

If you are already in receipt of continence pads from the service and would like to contact us for reordering, please note we accept telephone calls between the hours of 1:30pm – 4:00pm on 01633 744286 or alternatively you can email us on:

Disposal of used products

Used products should be put in a bag and then placed in the dustbin. They do not need a special refuse collection if they are being used at home. Please contact your local council waste department for further information.

Surplus products 

Products in sealed packets that are no longer required can be collected and credited to your NHS. Please use the telephone or email address below to arrange a convenient pick up time.

01633 744286 or

Change in requirements 

If your requirements have changed, and the products are no longer meeting your needs, you will require a reassessment. Depending on your circumstances this can be carried out at a local clinic or by a community nurse. If you have not activated your account for over 6 months, you will also require a reassessment.

Ordering further products 

When you have approximately 2 weeks of allocated products remaining, please contact the Bladder and Bowel Nursing Service to activate your next delivery. This can be done by phone or email

01633 744286 or

Alternatively, there is a free smartphone app to activate your next delivery. It can be downloaded free from the Apple store or Google Play for android users.