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Grief and Bereavement Support

Grief is unique to each of us and everyone’s experience will be different. There is both generic and specific bereavement support available to those who require it, whichever stage of grief is being experienced.

Grief is the normal human response to the loss of someone, or even something, essential to us. The death of a relative, friend, or colleague can result in emotions that may feel overwhelming or even frightening at times.

Most people cope with grief with the support of family and friends, but it can be helpful to speak with someone neutral who is knowledgeable about bereavement regarding your situation. For additional help, download the National Bereavement Service  Living with Grief: Finding support when someone close to you has died leaflet.

Below we have provided some information on local and national bereavement support services. If you require any further information, please contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Team (PALS) who will be able to signpost you to local bereavement services.

Tel: 01633 493753