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National Organisations Providing Bereavement Support

Age Cymru: Bereavement - Support after Death

This booklet by Age Cymru provides information to support those recently bereaved.

Telephone: National Helpline 0800 022 3444

Website: Information factsheet is available here:


At A Loss: Bereavement Support Organisations Across the UK

At a Loss research and signpost people to the many excellent services available across the UK. The focus is to ensure people are able to get up to date and accurate information. This website could signpost you to specific information that is culturally sensitive.

Website Links:

Bereavement support organisations across the UK (

Self-care when you are bereaved (

Traumatic bereavement (

How to get free professional grief support online (

How to deal with someone's belongings after they have died |


Bereavement Advice Centre

The Bereavement Advice Centre is a free helpline and web-based information service giving practical information and advice and signposting on the many issues and procedures that face us after the death of someone close.

Telephone: 0800 634 94 94



Bereavement Support Network

For advice when someone dies (free phone service)

Telephone: 0808 168 9607



Counsellor and Psychotherapy Services

The BACP Therapist Directory is an online, searchable directory of around 16,000 private therapists who offer services to the public. There will be charges for these services so if you feel you need a counsellor please speak to your GP in the first instance.

Website: How to find a therapist: BACP Therapist Directory


CRUSE UK Bereavement Care

Helpline run by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by grief.

Telephone: 0808 808 1677

Email: Not Stated- live chat available through the website.

Website Links:

Home - Cruse Bereavement Support

Our local support services - Cruse Bereavement Support

Understanding grief - Cruse Bereavement Support

Grief booklets - Cruse Bereavement Support


Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) Bereavement Helpline

English: 0800 731 0469           Welsh: 0800 731 0453.

Helpline is open Monday to Friday 8am- 6pm

Website: What to do after someone dies: Register the death - GOV.UK (


Government Services and Advice Website



Grief Chat

Grief chat is a safe space for grieving or bereaved people to be able to share their story, explore their feelings and consider whether any additional support is required. The on-line chat facility is free. Any counselling service however would come at a cost.

Telephone: 01524 782910




Hospice UK

Hospice UK is the national charity for hospice and end of life care. Hospice UK work to ensure everyone affected by death, dying and bereavement gets the care and support they need, when they need it.

Website: Where to get bereavement support | Hospice UK


Marie Curie Bereavement Support Service

If you want to talk to someone following a bereavement, whether your bereavement was expected, happened recently or some time ago, Marie Curie may be able to help.

Telephone: 0800 090 2309.

Lines open 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 11am-5pm on Saturday. Available to adults aged 18 and over.

Website: Marie Curie Bereavement support


Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support have a number of very useful information leaflets online that can support bereaved people of all ages. They also provide a free support telephone line.

Telephone: 0808 808 00 00 (free) 8am-8pm



National Association of Funeral Directors


National Bereavement Service:

Telephone: 0800 0246121


Website: Coping with Grief: Managing the Experience of Grief (


Road Peace

Road Peace provides information and support services to people bereaved or seriously injured in road crashes.

Website: Home - RoadPeace



Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, often through their telephone helpline. They offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way.

The Samaritans ‘Way-Up’ service provides online support for people aged in their 50’s and 60’s whose life partner has died.

Telephone: 116123


Website Links:

Way Up – Online Widowed Support Group (


Silver Line: Bereavement Support for Older People

The Silver Line helpline is a free, confidential telephone service for older people, providing friendship, conversation, and support 7 days a week.

Telephone: 0800 4 70 80 90 (free)

Website: The Silver Line Helpline


The Good Grief Trust

The Good Grief Trust are all bereaved people who want to support other bereaved people. On this site you will find stories from others who have had a loss, practical and emotional support and signposting to a choice of immediate tailored local and national support on their website.

Website Links:

For newly bereaved – The Good Grief Trust


Widowed and Young (WAY)

WAY is a UK charity that offers a peer-to-peer support network for anyone who's lost a partner before their 51st birthday – married or not, with or without children, inclusive of sexual orientation, gender, race and religion.

Telephone: 0300 201 0051

Website: WAY Widowed & Young - Bereavement support UK (