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Looked After Children's Specialist Nurses

Children are in care for a number of reasons, sometimes just for a short while, or in some cases, until they reach the age of 18 and beyond.

Children may be in care because their parents have made an agreement with the Local Authority or it may be due to a court ruling which says the child is unable to live with their own family and requires looking after in care.
Being in care could mean a child lives with their parents, extended family and friends, foster carers, in Residential Children’s homes or in secure accommodation.

Our Service

We are a team of Specialist Nurses who work in close partnership with Children, young people, their carers, Local Authorities and a multitude of health services providers to ensure that children and young people’s health needs are supported and met where possible whilst they remain in care.


What we provide

Initial health assessment: When you are in care you will require a health assessment. The Initial health assessment takes place soon after coming into care.

Review health assessment: this will be carried out 6 monthly if you are under 5 years and 12 monthly if you are over the age of 5 years.

Your Specialist Nurse will ensure that a high quality health assessment is offered to children looked after and can offer information and support around a range of issues such as; stopping smoking, healthy eating/healthy weight, relationships, safe sex, drugs and alcohol awareness.


We can refer you onto other services, with your consent for example;

  • Dietician
  • GP
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Sexual Health Clinics
  • School Nurse/Health Visiting Services
  • Community Dental Services
  • Audiology Service

If you live in care and away from home, you may want to speak confidentially to someone about your worries. The Looked after Children’s Health team can listen and help you to get further help and support.

We are friendly, approachable and non-judgmental, we will keep any information confidential (providing you are not at risk of harm to yourself or others). We would always tell you when we share information.