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The Neuro Recovery College

"The Niwrostiwt"

Our Niwrostiwt is a new and rapidly expanding development in CNRS, emphasising shared learning and skills development, and recognising the valuable skills and knowledge we all possess, despite changes to our health such as stroke/brain injury.

Why this name: In rural Wales, the Miners Institutes were programs set up to help miners develop their skills following the closure of their employing coal mines. Our “Niwrostiwt” combines the Welsh for “neuro” - “niwro” and “stiwt”. The Niwrostiwt follows a recovery college model, comprising of a series of educational workshops and psychotherapeutic groups. These groups are designed to help people manage some of the challenges that they can encounter after a stroke or brain injury.

The groups we are currently running include:

  • Understanding brain injury workshops
    A series of psychoeducational workshops that cover the core functions of the brain, how it gets injured through stroke or brain injury, and an overview of the most common symptoms/challenges that people experience.
  • Rebuilding your life after stroke and brain injury group
    A group based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy principles.
  • “Living Well” group
    A group based upon Human Givens principles to promote self-care and psychological wellbeing, helping the individual to identify what their unmet emotional needs are and empower them to meet these needs by activating their own natural resources in new ways. 
  • Fatigue management workshops
    A course looking at how fatigue affects us, understanding the differences between “normal tiredness” and “post-stroke fatigue” (or “post-ABI fatigue”), and discussion of strategies to manage this.
  • Neuro@NERS
    An exercise program run in local gyms for people affected by stroke or brain injuries, in collaboration with the National Exercise Referral Scheme.
  • Access Group
    A short series of workshops that support people to access online groups. This also includes support around using Microsoft Teams and gaining confidence in interacting with others in a virtual group format.
  • “GRASP”
    An evidence-based program designed to improve hand function after stroke, ranging from fine motor movements of the hand to broader whole arm movements.


Peer Mentoring Opportunities

Experts by Experience are a crucial part of the Niwrostiwt development work. We are always keen to hear from anyone who would be interested in sharing their experiences or ideas to improve the work we do. This includes the planning and development of services, as well as direct work with people accessing our service. Please get in touch if you are interested.