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Neurophysiotherapy Service



We accept referrals from a wide range of people such as Consultants, GP’s, Clinical Nurse Specialists, and other therapy teams. We receive a large volume of referrals, which we aim to manage as efficiently as we can, and so referrals are collated centrally, triaged and prioritised by experienced clinicians to ensure that the referral is most appropriate for our service, and meets our ‘Guidelines for Referral to Neurophysiotherapy’ 

Referrals may be returned if

  • more information is needed to effectively triage it
  • it has been incorrectly directed to Neurophysiotherapy
  • it is more clinically appropriate for a different service such as the falls team or Community based therapy teams (CRTs  – see guidelines)

NB - Please note that we are not able to accept direct self referrals at present via the ‘Move Better Gwent’ request for help form, although the Move Better Gwent website has very useful resources. 

Move  Better Gwent a resource created by the physiotherapy service aimed primarily at those with bone joint and muscle problems, but lots of other useful resources for living a healthier, more active life.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy website has many resources including exercise videos and leaflets, please click on the hyperlinks below or use the ‘public and patient’ tab from the home screen: 

NHS There are also more general sources of information about staying as active as you safely can, even without leaving home, such these links on the NHS website 

NHS - We're here for you - Helping you take control of your health and wellbeing

Stroke Association | Home has information on local groups and support.

For arm and hand rehabilitation the GRASP programme can be useful resource a stroke charity run by younger stroke survivors for younger stroke survivors

ABUHB Community Neuro Rehab Service (CNRS) has developed excellent resources for those who have had a stroke:

Neuro Recovery College or ‘Niwrostwt’, provides free courses, groups and workshops. These group have been co-developed with people who have had stroke or brain injury and focus on a range of topics linked with living well after stroke and brain injury. Click on the link to access their brochureNiwrostiwt Brochure

Living Well After Stroke Service which aims to provide support to those who have had a stroke and their families. Click on the link to access the leaflet Living Well After Stroke Leaflet

Parkinson's UK – for link to the newly updated exercises for all levels of activity click

ACPIVR : Specialist vestibular physiotherapy resource with lots of useful information for patients - a website written by one of the leading clinical experts on FND in the UK

Sheffield NHS Trust also has good information on FND: click and search FND - a charity for those with or supporting others who have had a brain injury, resources, local support groups - a charity for those with or supporting those who have had a spinal injury - a charity supporting those affected by MND