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EBUS and Bronchoscopy Outpatient

Diagnostic bronchoscopic procedures are carried out at both the Royal Gwent Hospital and Nevill Hall Hospital.

Nevill Hall Hospital

Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) procedures are currently done weekly at Nevill Hall Hospital on a Tuesday afternoon and bronchoscopies are done each Friday morning. Both lists can include patients seen anywhere within the health board. Wherever possible, patients are booked onto the next available list. CT scans are carried out before any bronchoscopic procedure for suspected cancer.
Patients are given a bronchoscopy information leaflet (see below) which includes a section to record the time and date of the procedure. The procedure list is then finalised by the respiratory consultants and the patients contacted to confirm a date and time for the procedure if not already done. Patients are given consent forms to complete prior to attending the procedure. 

Each patient receiving sedation must have a competent adult to drive them home and look after them overnight. If not, arrangements can be made via the medical secretaries on 01873732096 or 01873 732095 for post-procedure admission. 


Royal Gwent Hospital

Bronchoscopy procedures are currently undertaken weekly at the Royal Gwent Hospital each Tuesday morning. The list can include patients seen anywhere within the health board. Wherever possible, patients are booked onto the next available list. CT scans are carried out before any bronchoscopic procedure for suspected cancer.
Patients are given a bronchoscopy information leaflet (see below). Patients will be contacted by a member of the Respiratory team to agree a suitable date and time.. Patients are given consent forms to complete prior to attending the procedure. 


Patients can be provided with this instruction leaflet on discharge which includes information on recovery from the procedure: