Community and District Nursing
The Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Community Nursing Service is central to providing high quality, comprehensive and accessible general nursing services to patients who are either temporarily or permanently housebound. Services will be delivered through clearly defined packages of care within the community setting.
You can expect care from knowledgeable, highly skilled and approachable professionals providing quality, planned care whilst respecting your confidentiality, dignity, multicultural and religious beliefs.
Your Community Nursing Team will work in partnership with patients, families, primary care teams and other professionals to provide a patient centred holistic approach to your nursing care.
The Community Nurse will work closely with you, the patient, to produce individualised plans of care, sharing information and empowering you, the patient, to live as independent as possible within the community setting. The Community Nurse will review your care plans regularly and as your condition improves, ongoing care may be provided at the surgery by the Practice Nurse or in a specialist clinic.
When you are no longer housebound you will be expected to make arrangements to receive care from the Practice Nurse.
Health Visiting Services
Health Visitors are part of community health services and work in locally based teams. Midwives, Health Visitors and School Nurses support the well-being of all children throughout their growing years. Health Visitors are qualified nurses, experienced in child health, working with a focus on health promotion with our medical, social, education and voluntary services. The aim of the health visiting teams are for children and their families to lead healthy lives, both physically and emotionally and promote the health of the whole community.
Every family with children under five years old has a named Health Visitor, who can advise parents/carers on a wide variety of health and social issues.