We treat a range of eating disorders from first presentation to severe and intractable. Treatment programmes are evidenced-based care packages working alongside our colleagues in secondary care, tailored to meet the needs of service users and their carers. We offer assessment, treatment and management to people with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder or mixed eating disorder symptoms (eating disorders not otherwise specified).
Our specialist tertiary services offers intensive treatment to service users in an outpatient setting. Interventions may comprise of individual, group and family therapy, dietetics and risk management which cannot be managed in a primary or secondary care service. The team complete initial assessments with secondary care colleagues and offer advice and guidance to GPs, practice nurses and carers.
Read more information on our Specialist Eating Disorder Service pages.
The Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Perinatal Mental Health Service is a specialist community team that covers the whole of the Gwent area. Our multi-disciplinary team provides care and treatment to women who are pregnant or postnatal and are at risk of, or are affected by mental illness. If you have concerns about your mental health please speak with your Midwife or Health Visitor.
Family Therapy is a way of working with families so that they can understand and deal more effectively with any difficulties that family members may be experiencing. The aims of the family work are to draw upon the strengths and commitment of families to help tackle difficulties, improve communication, and help family members to understand each other better and to work together.
GSSMS is an NHS Specialist Addiction Service dedicated to helping people with addiction and/or dependency needs. GSSMS works with a variety of health, local authority and third sector partners to help people achieve their goals of abstinence or harm reduction.
GSSMS recognises the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma and adversity and prides itself on being a trauma informed service. We promote physical, psychological and emotional safety amongst individuals who require our help, enabling them to reach, not just their treatment goals, but assisting them to realise their full potential.
GSSMS offers a variety of services, including: -
GSSMS has a variety of healthcare professionals within the team, these include: -
Hiraeth, Maindiff Court Hospital, Ross Road, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 8NF.
Telephone: 01873 735566
139 Lower Dock Street, Newport, NP10 1EE
Telephone: 01633 216777
Pan-Gwent Email for referrals: ABB.GSSMS@wales.nhs.uk
EIS is focused on the early detection of, and recovery from, psychosis. We are a combined NHS and Hafal service for people aged between 14 and 35 living in the Gwent area. We support those who have either experienced a first episode of psychosis, or those deemed to be ‘at risk’ of developing psychosis. Our service is offered for up to 3 years from the first appointment.
EIS is community-based and recognises that young people often do not wish to attend clinic settings. As such, we offer to see people where they feel most comfortable, whether in their own home or in a neutral location such as a coffee shop or outside space. Our aim is to help young people access the wider community and to achieve their unique goals and aspirations. We strongly believe that recovery from psychosis is possible.
We offer a multidisciplinary approach based on a young person’s individual needs, including:
• Education about psychosis and how to stay well
• Support to access the wider community e.g. work, education, social activities
• Psychological interventions (talking therapies)
• Medication prescribing and monitoring
• Support for family and carers
If you would like further information about Early Intervention in Psychosis, please refer to the Psychosis Wales website.
‘Psychosis’ refers to when a person has trouble working out what’s real and what’s not. Some things you or others might notice are:
• Friends and family say you seem different
• Things seem different, unreal, or surreal
• Not doing well at school or work
• Not trusting people
• Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities
• Decrease or increase in energy
Some of the symptoms are:
• Feeling that there is a plot against you
• Feeling that your thoughts are being interfered with
• Seeing or hearing things that others don’t
• Changes in your mood or feeling more anxious
Anyone can refer to EIS, and we even accept self-referrals. We encourage anyone who has concerns about a young person who may be developing psychosis to call us as soon as possible for a confidential discussion. Alternatively, email us with your number and we can call you back as soon as possible.
Download the Early Intervention in Psychosis Service Referral Form
A mental health crisis often means that you no longer feel able to cope or be in control of your situation.
You may feel great emotional distress or anxiety, cannot cope with day-to-day life or work, think about suicide or self-harm, or experience hallucinations and hearing voices.
A crisis can also be the result of an underlying medical condition, such as confusion or delusions caused by an infection, overdose, illicit drugs or intoxication with alcohol. Confusion may also be associated with dementia.
Whether you experience a sudden deterioration of an existing mental health problem or are experiencing problems for the first time, you'll need immediate expert assessment to identify the best course of action and stop you getting worse.
Read more information on our Mental Health Crisis page.