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Rest and Sleep

Rest is just as important as movement in helping us to look after our bodies.

Remember to take regular rest days if you are engaging in high-intensity exercise throughout the week, and also breaks throughout the day and immediately after exercise, so you can give your body a chance to relax and recharge.

Resting will look different to each individual but it can involve sitting down for a short-time after exercise with some fluids to rehydrate, choosing not to exercise if you are unwell or injured, or simply trying our best to get a good night’s sleep. 

Here are some simple things for getting a good night’s sleep:

  • Create a routine: Aim to sleep and wake up at around the same time each day, this helps our bodies get into a routine and know when to expect sleep.
  • Embrace the outdoors: During the day, aim to get outside in the natural light when you wake up - this helps us regulate our internal body clock. Conversely, in the evening opt for dim lights or warm-bulbed lamps as reducing bright lights helps signal to our body that night time is approaching.
  • Turn off the screen: Minimise screen-time and the use of electronic devices close to bed-time, as this keeps our brains alert and stimulated making it harder to fall asleep. For example, you may like to keep your mobile in another room, or away from your bed to prevent it serving as a distraction.
  • Plan ahead: Consider taking time earlier in the evening to plan and organise for the following day to help prevent stress which may prevent us from relaxing close to bed time.
  • Keep a journal: write down anything on your mind before bed to help your brain switch off and prepare for sleep.
  • Wind down each day: Try having a ‘wind-down’ routine in the hour before sleep, this could include reading a book, journaling, or having a bath.
  • Stay cool: If possible, aim to keep your bedroom cool, quiet and tidy – having a calming space to sleep which is not too warm will help our bodies relax and drift off more easily.
  • Avoid caffeine, large meals, or highly sugary foods too close to bedtime.

We understand that getting a good night’s sleep is not achievable for everyone and can sometimes be a source of stress. If you are worried about sleep, please visit our Melo Sleep and Mental Wellbeing page for more information and resources to help you understand and achieve better sleep.