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Armed Forces Champions

What is a Service Champion? 

These are the individuals who champion for the Armed Forces community within their organisation. Through training and development, they understand the culture of the armed forces community and use this to design their services. 


The training provided for the individuals helps them to: 

  • better understand how to engage with the Armed Forces Community 

  • understand how they can support their organisation to help this group 

  • understand how they can gain support from other services/charities 

  • reinforcing the integration between communities 

Who is this training for? 

This training is open to any members of NHS staff who wishes to understand why organisations should support the work, what help and support may be applicable to individuals, what resources are available and why there is a need to Network with others in your area. 


When is the training? 

The CPD accredited training is delivered via MS Teams and it is designed for people who are interested in helping their service/organisation, to become more Armed Forces community aware. 


The training is taking place on the following dates from 09:30 to 15:00 and you can book your place HERE or you can CONTACT US if you would like to be added to our mailing list for when new dates are organised. 


MS Teams - Wednesday 21 June 2023 

MS Teams - Tuesday 25 July 2023 

MS Teams - Tuesday 22 August 2023 

MS Teams - Thursday 28 September 2023 

MS Teams - Wednesday 18 October 2023 

MS Teams - Tuesday 21 November 2023 

MS Teams - Thursday 14 December 2023 

MS Teams - Wednesday 17 January 2024 

MS Teams - Tuesday 20 February 2024 

MS Teams - Thursday 21 March 2024 

A resource pack with your certificate will be sent to you on completion of the training so it is important that you give the best postal address for you. Any postal address provided is only used for the purpose of sending the pack and is not held by the Network.