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Registered Dietitians (RDs) (Light blue tunic tops) are qualified health professionals that assess, diagnose, and treat dietary and nutritional problems.  They are highly trained and to qualify they must undertake a degree course or post-graduate course. As well as this, they must have had practical experience working with patients before they can register as a Dietitian.

Dietitians use the most recent scientific research and public health guidance on food, health, and disease, which they then translate into practical guidance, enabling individuals to make appropriate lifestyle and diet choices.

Dietitians are the only nutrition professionals regulated by law, overseen by the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). They are governed by an ethical code ensuring that all work is completed to the highest standard.

You may need to see a Dietitian for your diabetes for different reasons, including: 

  • For information or education about your diet when you are newly diagnosed with diabetes. This could be in an outpatient clinic or as part of an education group
  • To improve your blood glucose levels through making changes to your diet, including counting carbohydrate and matching insulin doses to your meals for those with type 1 diabetes
  • To achieve a healthy weight
  • For advice on diet during different stages of life e.g., pregnancy, illness, starting college or university, etc
  • Use of technology to support treatment e.g., insulin pumps, bolus insulin calculators, etc