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Mental Wellbeing and Stress

Money and mental health are often linked. 

Worrying about money can affect your mental health and poor mental health can make managing your money difficult.  Worrying about money may lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, depression, or anger

  • Melo website, which was developed by the health board, has courses, resources, services and information on over 34 different topics related to mental health and well being. 
  • Helplines and services (both local and national) found via the Melo website, which you can contact for support and advice on a range of topics and concerns related.
  • Cost of Living and Money Worries - is a dedicated section on the Melo website around the Cost of Living.

If financial worries are affecting your mental health contact a specialist helpline. 

  • NHS Mental Health 111 Option 2, is there to contact if you are worried about your general mental health,This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is free to call from a mobile (even when the caller has no credit left) or from a landline. The service will provide immediate support over the phone to help cope with how you are feeling, and if needed, a referral to mental health services will be arranged.   

  • Psychological Health Practitioner (PHP) - If you live in the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) area, and are aged over 18, you can contact your GP surgery to make an appointment with a Psychological Health Practitioner (PHP) or a GP.  PHPs are NHS mental health practitioners, that are available at most GP surgeries in ABUHB area, who provide a free service for people experiencing mild to moderate mental health problems.  Appointments can be either face to face, or over the phone.  

  • SPACE-Wellbeing - If you are under 18 or worried about someone aged under 18 and need advice/self-referral to local mental health and wellbeing services in the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board area, contact our SPACE-Wellbeing helpline on: 07977 065376 or email  

  • C.A.L.L. - provides a confidential mental health listening and emotional support line which is free and open 24/7. Call 0800 132 737 or text ‘help’ to 81066.   

  • Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. Text ‘shout’ to 85258.