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Level 3 Multi Disciplinary Team

This service is for people with a BMI of 40* or more or a BMI of 35* or more and at least 1 weight related health condition. The multidisciplinary team provides support from doctors, Registered Dietitians, Specialist Nurses, Counsellors, Psychologists and support staff.  Support will be provided with a combination of group sessions and individual appointments.

Your first appointment will be with one of the Tier 3 weight management team and will assess which team members can best support you in losing weight. We will also discuss other options such as weight loss medication and weight loss (bariatric) surgery.

* Lower criteria by 2.5 kg/m2 for people from black African, African-Caribbean and Asian groups.


Weight loss surgery and medication

In the UK there are currently 2 medications available to help people lose weight which can be prescribed by the NHS.
* There is a nationwide shortage of these medications and therefore we are unable to prescribe it currently.


Orlistat (brand name Xenical)

Orlistat works by blocking chemicals (enzymes) in your gut which digest fat. The undigested fat is not absorbed into your body and is passed out with your stools (faeces). It is important to follow a low fat diet while taking Orlistat. Orlistat can be prescribed by your GP if:

  • You have a BMI of 28* or more, and have other weight related health conditions such as high blood pressure or Type 2 Diabetes.
  • You have a BMI of 30* or more

*Lower criteria by 2.5 kg/m2 for people from black African, African-Caribbean and Asian groups.



Saxenda is an injectable medication that can help you feel fuller quicker and reduce feelings of hunger between meals. You can only be prescribed this medication if you are under the care of a Level 3 Weight Management Clinic. You can be prescribed Saxenda if you meet the following criteria:

  • Your HBA1c is 42-47mmol/l (this is known as Pre-Diabetic)
  • And you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure
  • And your BMI is 35* or more

You will be assessed by a doctor prior to starting the Saxenda, some people who meet the criteria above can’t be prescribed Saxenda due to past or present medical conditions. If you have Diabetes there are similar medications that are likely to be used instead of Saxenda.

*Lower criteria by 2.5 kg/m2 for people from black African, African-Caribbean and Asian groups.



This medication has been approved in the UK but is not currently available.


Private prescriptions

Weight loss medications can be brought privately through local pharmacies (please note the eligibility criteria may be different to the NHS eligibility criteria).


Weight loss (Bariatric) Surgery

Bariatric Surgery is carried out by the Level 4 weight management service in Swansea called the Welsh Institute of Metabolic and Obesity Surgery.

If you have a BMI of 40 or more you may qualify for weight loss surgery. Referrals are made by the doctor in the Level 3 weight management clinic. There are many factors that have to be considered prior to making a referral for weight loss surgery, the Level 3 weight management team works with you to decide whether this is an appropriate option for you.