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Your search for "Transport to Health" returned 1,056 possible matches.

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 1056

> news > news
'Transport to Health' Community Shuttle Bus Launches in Gwent
Funded by the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Transport to Health Community Transport Fund, The Parish Trust will be launching their brand new Transport To Health Shuttle Bus from Tuesday 7th December .
> news > news
Health Board are Proud to Support 2nd Year for 'Transport to Health' Project
The Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) funded Transport to Health project has re-opened for applications after a successful first year of initiatives. Funding from the project helps community organisations from across the greater Gwent area support patients, visitors, and staff to get to healthcare sites.
> news > news
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board wins Community Transport Champion Award
The Health Board is proud to announce that its Transport to Health Project has won a national Community Transport Champion Award.
> news > news
The Parish Trust: Community Shuttle Bus Launches
Funded by the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Transport to Health Community Transport Fund, The Parish Trust will be launching their brand new Transport To Health Shuttle Bus from Tuesday 7th December.
> news > news
Transport to Health Project Awards Its First Grants
The Transport to Health project has awarded its first cash grants to two successful applicants.
> news > news
Gwent Partners Launch 'Transport to Health' Project
A new project has been set up to support community transport to hospitals and other NHS premises across the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board area.
> news > news
Age Connects Torfaen Receives A Transport Boost
We are pleased to share that Age Connects Torfaen has been awarded a grant of £10,000 from the Transport to Health project to enhance its existing transport service. The service will now be able to offer transport for older people living in Torfaen to access a hospital appointment.
> files > freedom-of-information > june-2022
FOI 22-229 Hospital transport.pdf
> clinical-futures > frequently-asked-questions-faqs > travel-transport
Travel and Transport
> files > freedom-of-information > january-2024
FOI 23-690 Alternative Emergency Transport Costs.pdf

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 1056