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Dr. James Calvert FRCP PhD MPH

Medical Director / Deputy Chief Executive

About Me

Medical Director / Deputy Chief Executive

James qualified in Medicine from Oxford University in 1992. He studied Public Health as a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University before completing his PhD in Epidemiology in South Africa and London.

He was a Consultant Respiratory Specialist in Bristol from 2006-2021 and Lead Clinician for Respiratory Medicine between 2008 and 2018. He also worked for more than 10 years as an Associate and Deputy Medical Director. These roles allowed him to develop experience of working with a wide range of professionals to improve delivery of health care to patients.

He has worked with colleagues at NHS England to improve access to integrated services for patients. He was National Specialty Advisor for Severe Asthma from 2017-2020 and continues to lead the National Asthma Audit at the Royal College of Physicians.

He has a longstanding interest in quality improvement in health care and has worked with the British Thoracic Society, NHS Improving Value, the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and the University of Bristol in this field.

James has lived in Gwent for 16 years and when he isn’t at work he enjoys keeping bees and is a Member of the Gwent Bee Keeping Society.