We are the Specialist Eating Disorder team. Our team was developed in 2010 and since then has grown significantly and includes a range of health care professions, including Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Healthcare Support Workers and a Peer Mentor to name a few.
We cover all of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and provide individual, group and family intervention. The service offers a daily duty desk running from 9:00am – 4:00pm. The role of the duty clinician is to screen new referrals and offer advice and consultation when requested. If you have any questions, are in need of advice or want to discuss a possible referral please contact our duty desk on 01873 735546.
We accept referrals for any eating disorder presentation and we do not use weight/BMI as an inclusion or exclusion criteria. Please see the link below to access our referral form and self-referral form.