In honour of it being National Careers Week (7th – 12th March), we met with Arian, a Management Graduate who is currently working in the Health Board and completing a Masters degree through the NHS Wales Management Graduate scheme.
The NHS Wales Management Graduate scheme provides a unique opportunity to undertake several placements within the Health Board. This not only broadens awareness of the different job roles available but also provides graduates with the chance to meet and learn from a range of people across many services. Additionally, the two-year scheme provides time for graduates to develop their management and leadership skills alongside completing a funded Masters degree to complement their on-the-job learning.
Have you enjoyed your placement?
“I’m coming to the end of my first placement at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and my experience so far has been incredible. Since the beginning of the scheme, I have been well-supported. I cannot stress enough how encouraging and friendly everyone has been and how they have involved me in some really exciting projects.”
What does your day-to-day job look like?
“At the moment, my current placement is within the Corporate Planning team. A typical day includes meetings with different divisions, report writing, looking at data and supporting projects through note taking or researching around topics. Also, for two afternoons a week I attend university lectures.
However, alongside carrying out my normal duties as part of job, I also get opportunities to go off and do things through the graduate scheme such as spend the day in the Emergency Department and shadow a range of staff in their different roles which has given me an insight into how Secondary Care works. I’ve also had opportunities to meet with staff from Primary Care and see the work that the Neighbourhood Care Networks do.
Another benefit of the graduate scheme is that I have an Executive Mentor which gives me the opportunity to spend time with a member of the Executive Team and learn from them. This mixes up my normal day-to-day role and allows me to network with a lot of people.”
What has been your favourite experience during your placement?
“It is difficult to pick a favourite experience over the last few months. However, a particular memory that will stay with me was being able to go into theatre and watch a surgery. It was such a phenomenal experience!”
Do you recommend the NHS Wales Management Graduate scheme?
“I recommend the scheme for anyone who is looking for a career in health and social care and wants to have a taste of the different career opportunities the NHS has to offer. It has been such a privilege to work for the Health Board, you feel like you are making a difference to the health experiences for those living in Gwent.”
For more information about NHS Careers and NHS Wales Graduate Management Scheme, visit: