It is pleasing to note Welsh Government Alert levels have reduced to 0 for the general population, but in line with national guidance, COVID measures remain in place on healthcare premises in order to protect extremely vulnerable patients. This includes social distancing and the use of facemasks.
However, the successful vaccination programme has resulted in some relaxation of visiting restrictions and we continue to accept a small number of designated visitors onto our hospital sites.
We understand the importance and benefits that visiting patients in hospital has for families, patients and also to our staff. We are pleased to be in position to be able to undertake this and by limiting visitor numbers and having strict procedures in place, we are slowly and safely able to re-introduce visiting.
Visiting is by pre-appointment only and visitors of patients with dementia, learning disabilities and those at end of life will be prioritised. Visits are extended to those patients who do not fall under the above categories but will be for direct family members or “special others” only. These discussions will take place with the patient, or carer, on admission to hospital
We have introduced Lateral Flow Tests for all visitors to ensure we keep patients, staff and the public as safe as possible. Visiting is by pre-appointment only to ensure strict precautions are taken and enables us to maintain social distancing measures. To avoid disappointment please do not attend any of the hospital sites without a pre-arranged appointment.
We must be very mindful that many of our patients in our hospitals are far more susceptible to pick up infections and therefore we must take all precautions to ensure their safety. We will continue to constantly review these arrangements , there is a need to be very mindful of community transmission rates and changes to Welsh Governments Alert levels which may affect visiting at short notice.
Lastly, for those who are unable to visit we are be able to facilitate a ‘virtual visit’ via our hospital electronic devices which can be organised by the Ward Manager or Nurse in Charge.