Wednesday 6th April 2022
We are pleased to be able to further reduce visiting restrictions from 7th April 2022 across Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. We are continuing to take a cautious approach due to the prevalence of Covid in the Community but also the numbers of patients we have who are Covid-positive in our hospitals.
To note; exceptions may occur in the areas below. Visitors to link with wards specifically:
- Children
- Maternity
- Patients with learning disabilities or cognitive impairment
- Designated carers
- Patients who cannot make decisions for themselves
- End of life care
All visitors will be expected to:
- Undertake a lateral flow test prior to visiting, (available to the public until June 2022) with a negative result (visitors must be free from Covid-19 symptoms). They must not have tested positive for Covid-19 or had contact with someone who has had the infection in the last 10 days.
- Wear a face mask (unless medically-exempt) at all times when on hospital premises.
- Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as applicable, upon entry to the Ward as directed by staff.
- Attend the hospital site and go directly to the Ward and following visiting must leave the site directly.
- Clean/sanitise hands on entering and leaving the hospital and ward.
- Restaurant facilities are not open for visitors
General visiting guidance:
- Visiting will be between the hours of 8:00am – 8:00pm for up to an hour duration.
- Each patient can have a maximum of one visitor who are a close family contact or someone important to the patient.
- Visits must be arranged in advance with ward staff. Please arrive on time and not early.
- Visitors will complete a screening questionnaire prior to entry on the Ward and complete the QR code or the visitors book on arrival.
- Visits will not be possible to areas closed due to an infection outbreak, other than in exceptional circumstances (agreed by the ward staff).
- Children under the age of 11 will not be allowed to visit unless the circumstances are exceptional.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m on an Elective Surgery Ward, can I still have visitors?
In addition to the above measures visitors for patients who have been asked to isolate prior to their surgery should be someone ideally from the same household. They must wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as directed by the ward team. This is to ensure these patients are protected as much as possible from the transmission of coronavirus prior to and following surgery.
I’m on Covid Outbreak Wards, can I have a visitor?
Visits to patients who have Covid-19 or who are currently in isolation due to contact with Covid-19 may occur in exceptional circumstances, as agreed with the ward staff.
- Visitors must be aware of the risks of COVID transmission and advised of infection control measures in place including the use of any PPE required during their visit.
- The pandemic has recognised that visitors from the same household are often symptomatic too. In end of life situations the Infection Prevention & Control (IP&C) team can advise on how such individuals can safely visit a patient who is in their end stage of life.
- Patients who are in the end phase of life who are diagnosed with Covid may receive visitors during their last hours of life, if permission is sought in advance from the ward staff.
- Visitors with underlying health conditions, or who were previously shielding, should be advised of the significant risks to themselves to visiting.
I’m an outpatient, can I have a visitor?
Patients attending one of our hospitals for an outpatient appointment may have a maximum of one person accompany them if required.
I need to go to Minor Injuries Unit or Emergency Department- can someone come with me?
You may bring one person with you. At busy times, we may ask that the person accompanying you temporarily waits elsewhere if there are space constraints.
We would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding during what we know have been extremely difficult times for patients and their loved ones. All decisions have been taken in the best interests of the people we care for, the people who work in and visit our facilities, and the community we serve. Our visiting and appointment arrangements stay under regular review.
Keeping everyone as safe as possible remains our priority.