Contact UsDiabetes Specialist Nurses voice mail messages can be left between Monday – Friday 8.30 – 4.30pm |
We hope you find this webpage useful and that it helps you to find information to support you or someone you know to manage diabetes.
The integrated diabetes team provide specialist care, education, and support to people in Gwent and South Powys.
We aim to work with you and your family/carers, to support you in whatever you do, be it college, University, employment, or other life events such as pregnancy, illness or travelling by giving you confidence in your ability to manage your glucose levels to achieve health and wellbeing.
The diabetes team work with your General Practitioner practice and in the hospital so wherever you receive your diabetes care and reviews, our mission is to help to keep you well by being a source of expert knowledge for you and for other professionals who may need help to look after you plus being there to help you if you are unwell.
Public Health Wales is running Tackling Diabetes Together, a programme to prevent diabetes and improve the health of people with diabetes.
Help us to improve diabetes care in Wales