CAMHS will be running a range of workshops on MS Teams in October Half Term 2023 for all children, young people and their families across Gwent. Please use the booking form/QR code below and make sure to book on at least 24 hours before the session. Parents are welcome to attend with their young person but we will not be able to answer any individual CAMHS
Understanding Emotions
1 hour workshop exploring feelings and emotions. Please note that this workshop is also available to year 6 pupils who are moving up to secondary school.
When ?
Thursday 2nd November - 11am
5 Ways to Well-being
1 hour workshop sharing tips and ideas on easy ways that students can actively improve their own well-being
When ?
Wednesday 1st November - 11am
Understanding Anxiety
1 hour workshop exploring what anxiety is and sharing strategies to manage feelings of anxiety in a positive way
When ?
Wednesday 1st November - 2pm
Booking Information
To register for one of the listed sessions, follow the Microsoft Forms link or scan the QR code below: