More than 100,000 Covid-19 Autumn Booster vaccinations have now been given to protect the most vulnerable residents in Gwent - but Aneurin Bevan University Health Board is still encouraging anyone who has not taken up the offer of their vaccine to come forward without delay.
With Covid-19 and Flu already circulating this Winter and threatening to make vulnerable people very unwell, Winter vaccinations - including the Covid-19 Autumn Booster and Flu vaccine - are the best form of protection to anyone eligible.
The Health Board is extremely grateful to over 100,000 members of the public who have chosen to receive their Covid-19 Autumn Booster so far this year, but there is still a way to go. They are urging eligible local residents to take up the offer of a Covid-19 Autumn Booster, as well as a flu vaccination, in order to protect themselves and those around them who may be vulnerable or have weaker immune systems.
Dr Liam Taylor, Deputy Medical Director for Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (pictured), had his own Covid-19 Autumn Booster at the Newport Vaccination Centre.
Liam said: “Thank you to everyone who has taken up the offer of a vaccination so far and to the amazing staff who have worked tirelessly to roll out our Winter Vaccination Programme this year. You have all played a vital role in keeping Gwent protected over Winter.
“For people who are eligible for Autumn Booster or Flu vaccinations but have yet to receive them, we would really urge them to take the opportunity now.”
In a recent update, Dr Ami Jones, Intensive Care Consultant at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, also emphasised the impact that increasing cases of Covid-19 and Flu can have on healthcare services in Gwent.
“Our hospitals are busy and have been all summer. As we head into Winter, people getting seriously sick with Flu or Covid could really tip the balance and cause immense pressure to our hospitals. Whether it is our staff or our communities, if you are eligible for Flu and Covid vaccinations, take it now.” Said Amy.
For more information on Covid-19 Autumn Boosters and Flu vaccinations, including eligibility, visit the Immunisations page on the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board website.