Due to the Coronavirus outbreak many people may be under additional financial strain to provide food for themselves and their families. See below for food support options that could be available to you.
Food banks provide nutritionally balanced food parcels to individuals and families who need emergency food. Food banks may be working differently, please arrange a conversation with a referral agency, such as your local housing association if you are not a voucher holder and need an emergency food supply. Find your local food bank or contact the Trussell Trusts free and confidential helpline on 0808 208 2138 (open Monday to Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm).
If you are pregnant or have a child under 4 you may be entitled to vouchers that can be spent on milk, fruit, vegetables and infant formula; free vitamin vouchers are also available. Health professional signatures are no longer required on the application form. To find out if you are eligible, please go to Healthy Start website.
Free school meals will be provided to eligible full time pupils. To find out if you are eligible and for information on how to apply check your local council website or the Welsh Government website.
Check your local council website or contact your child's school to find out if free breakfast club is currently available, if your child is eligible and how to apply.