Over the years, our Person Centred Care Team have been linking Primary, Secondary schools and other Youth Organisations with local Care Homes and Wards across Gwent, allowing the youngest in our community to connect with older people by undertaking meaningful activities to remove loneliness and isolation.
Due to these unprecedented times, the physical connection may no longer be possible, but this has not put a stop to our intergenerational practices.
The Gwent Police Cadets have written over 50 spirit-lifting letters so far to Care Home residents, which have been very gratefully received and have been responded to by residents. The schools that would normally visit Care Homes are also now maintaining their friendships with residents by corresponding via letters.
During the current situation, the younger generation have engaged in a huge amount of community-spirited activity, which is really heart-warming to see. This includes making linen bags for patients' property, sending films of ‘thank you’ messages to our front line staff, fundraising for the NHS, and donating their Easter money, along with a host of other activities.
Thank you to all our supporters, of all generations!