A new guide to help Gwent residents choose the right healthcare service will be delivered to homes across the area from today.
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board has launched the new booklet- entitled NHS Services for you and your Family – to offer advice to residents of the area when they need medical help but are unsure where to go.
For those who don’t want to wait for the booklet to hit their doormat, it can be viewed online.
With Pharmacies and GP Surgeries able to offer an expanded range of services and treatments, getting expert care closer to home is now easier than ever, but it’s important for residents to understand these changes so that they can access the right service when they need it.
The booklet also offers advice on staying healthy by eating well, exercising and looking after mental well-being, in the hope that leading a healthier lifestyle will see less residents needing hospital services, and in turn, ease pressure on local NHS services.
Following the opening of The Grange University Hospital almost 18 months ago, the Health Board is keen to make sure local people understand what different services can offer them, depending on their needs.
Glyn Jones, Interim Chief Executive of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, said: “We know that there have been many changes and developments to our healthcare services in Gwent and we want to make sure the public fully understand how to access these services.
“Our NHS is a much loved and vitally important part of all our lives, so in order to protect it I would encourage local residents to read the booklet to find out how to get the most appropriate care in the right place.
“We want everyone to play their part in making sure the system runs smoothly – and this is particularly important at the moment, when our services are under significant pressure.”
This new booklet serves as a follow-up guide to the Your NHS Services in Gwent are Changing booklet that was sent to every household in the Health Board area ahead of the opening of The Grange University Hospital in Autumn 2020.
The booklet has been printed as a bilingual document (Welsh/English) and also into the 10 most commonly used languages in Gwent: Bengali, Polish, Arabic, Urdu, Slovak, Romanian, Hungarian, Chinese- Mandarin, Turkish, Czech. Audio files in the 12 languages have also been produced and Easy Read and sign language versions are currently in production.
View the booklet in the above listed formats.