With the days getting shorter, evenings getting darker, and weather getting colder – many of us may have noticed a shift in our recent energy levels, mood and motivation.
Everyone experiences ups and downs but if the ‘downs’ are persistent, severe, and affect everyday life it is important that we seek help.
There is information on what you can do to improve your mental health and wellbeing or where you can go for advice/support on the Melo website.
Melo is a website containing approved information and advice, FREE resources and courses to help improve and protect mental health and wellbeing.
Melo was developed by the Aneurin Bevan Gwent Public Health Team in collaboration with partners, including people with lived experience.
Our Melo website has recently been significantly improved, and now includes:
Winter can be a tough time for lots of us, but it’s important to remember there are a variety of things we can all do to improve well-being and resilience.
The ‘Five Ways to Well-being’, are five simple ways in which everyone can protect and improve their own well-being.
Learn more about each of the Five Ways to Well-being below, with ideas of how you can incorporate them into your daily routine this winter.
With the people around you – friends, family, colleagues, and loved ones. Building these connections will support and enrich you every day.
Be active
Exercising makes us feel good. Find a form of movement you enjoy and that suits your level of mobility and fitness.
Take notice
Being present in the moment helps us to reflect on our experiences and appreciate what matters to us.
Keep learning
Learning new things helps increase our confidence, as well as introducing us to fresh ideas and perspectives.
Seeing ourselves, and our happiness, linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding.
It is so important we look after ourselves and those around us this winter.
You can’t pour from an empty cup, so take some time wherever possible to make space for you and prioritise your mental wellbeing during this busy season.
For more information on mental well-being, read our Top 10 tips for Mental Wellbeing article.