In 2020 Early Intervention Teams across England and Wales were due to sail part of the UK coastline over a 6 week period – a voyage of discovery. Due to Covid-19 the voyage has been postponed to August 2021 BUT the teams have decided they still need a challenge – a BIG adventure.
So throughout August, September and October the teams will take on a STEP Challenge and virtually walk the UK coastline – Steps to Discovery!
The UK coastline is 11,073 miles which equals 23,384,064 steps.
The teams will allocate themselves a target e.g. a number of steps, or a piece of coastline to virtually walk. Counting the number of steps is the goal but the purpose is to step up to the challenge, work together as a team, involve service users, practitioners, families and carers and have fun!
Steps can be built up by a range of activities: walking around the park, to the shops or around your garden like Captain Tom. You can play football, dance, exercise, go to the gym, climb your stairs, walk a canal, climb a hill or mountain and if you’re lucky walk a coastline. Just count the steps!
We have set up a Virgin Money Giving page to raise funds to support the EI teams in their next BIG adventures.
The Early Intervention Service within Aneurin Bevan University Health Board works with young people 14-35 who experience a first episode of psychosis. As part of their recovery we run an adventure therapy programme to support recovery from first episode psychosis. The Adventure Therapy Programme, is an all Wales EIP initiative that uses Wales’s natural resources to support recovery, physical and mental wellbeing; and enable skills development. Adventure Therapy addresses the situational factors which keep people stuck in their life situation and services by providing a radically different environment to develop confidence, new skills, engage in physical health promotion and a fresh perspective on life. Due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown, we haven’t been able to connect with each other the way we used to. Therefore, Steps to Discovery is our new BIG challenge. It is something we can do in our local environment with our family, friends, and healthcare professionals.
The Early Intervention STEPS to DISCOVERY will commence August 3rd 2020 and finish October 29th 2020 and is supported by Hafal, Improvement Cymru and the EI Network.