Today, on Tuesday 7th December 2021, we are supporting the #maegenihawl Welsh Language Rights Day, where we are promoting some of the Welsh language services that we offer to our patients and staff as part of their Welsh Language Rights.
Communicating with a patient in their preferred language when they are at their most vulnerable can make a world of difference to them. For those whose first language is Welsh, offering them treatment in their preferred language can minimise distress and greatly improve their experience as a patient.
We have Welsh speaking staff members working in many sites across our Health Board, from our Hospitals and GP Surgeries, to our Community services, Contact Centres and Mass Vaccination Centres.
Welsh speaking staff members are all happy to provide you with Welsh-medium care as part of your Welsh Language Rights.
Meet some of our Welsh speakers and learners below- and don't forget to say Shwmae if you see them at work!
Did you know that we also have Welsh medium Social Media accounts? You can follow us on the accounts below:
- Facebook: @BwrddIechydAneurinBevan
- Instagram: @bipaneurinbevan
- Twitter: @BIPAneurinBevan
- YouTube: @BIPAneurinBevan
Our website is also fully bilingual- go to or click 'cymraeg' in the top right hand corner when on our English website.
Remember, if you want to contact us in Welsh, we will answer you in Welsh.
Visit the Welsh Language Commissioner's website for more information about your Welsh Language Rights.