Due to a recent rise in the number of cases of coronavirus in the Caerphilly town area, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board will be setting up a walk in testing centre outside Caerphilly Leisure Centre from Saturday 5/9/2020 – Tuesday 8/9/2020.
The temporary centre is a walk up testing facility, meaning it will not be available as an option online if you try to book a test online @ www.gov.wales.
If you live in the Caerphilly town area, and are experiencing symptoms of Coronavirus, even if you just feel slightly ‘under the weather’ – please attend for a quick, safe test. It’s important you only attend if you have symptoms – remember, these symptoms can be very mild.
The centre is open from 8AM – 4PM Saturday and Sunday, and from 8AM – 6PM Monday and Tuesday. If you do attend, do not travel with someone else to the testing centre, and remember to observe social distancing whilst waiting for a test.
Mererid Bowley, Interim Director of Public Health for Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, said,
“This temporary testing centre will help us learn more about the rate of infection in Caerphilly, and will help us protect the residents of Caerphilly and Gwent.
I’d encourage those living nearby, if you have symptoms of a cough, loss of taste or smell, fever of even just feel slightly unwell, please come and get a free test.
We have detailed procedures in place that protect our staff and you. The test is done quickly and you can be ‘in and out’ of the testing centre in 5 minutes.
Getting a test if you have symptoms will help keep the people around you safe and help keep Caerphilly safe.”
The testing centre is outside Caerphilly Leisure Centre (CF83 3SW) and is open 8:00AM – 4:00PM Saturday and Sunday and 8:00AM – 18:00PM Monday and Tuesday.
The testing facility is intended for people living in and near Caerphilly town. There are other testing facilities in Gwent - at Rodney Parade in Newport and Cwm in Blaenau Gwent. You can also have a test posted to your home. Apply online at www.gov.wales or phone 119.
Chief Executive of Aneurin Bevan Health Board, Judith Paget, asked local people to remember to follow Coronavirus advice from Public Health Wales. She said,
“We want to make an appeal to you. You can help us reduce the spread of the virus. Maintain social distancing, wash your hands often, wear a face covering when it’s hard to social distance, get a test if you have symptoms and self-isolate if you’re asked to by a contact tracer.
Even if you think you won’t be badly affected Coronavirus, remember, it is very easy to pass on and can be very serious. This is especially true for older or more vulnerable family members, friends or colleagues which could have serious, even fatal, consequences.
We all have a part to play in keeping Wales safe. Please get a test ASAP if you have symptoms.” #KeepWalesSafe