Yesterday, the Welsh Government issued revised guidance for hospital visiting in Wales.
Whilst we are changing some of the restrictions around visiting, strict rules must still be in place to protect staff, patients and visitors.
We must continue to restrict the number of visitors in healthcare settings to ensure that we adhere to Social Distancing guidelines.
Visiting will be at the discretion of the Nurse in charge of the Ward or Department.
Visiting Permission will be given based on the best interests of the patient and/ or the well-being of the visitor.
Unfortunately, these changes do not mean we return to ‘Business as Usual’ in relation to visiting.
We realise the positive impact visiting can have on both patients and their families, however, visiting will remain restricted to ensure we keep our patients, staff and visitors as safe as possible during this challenging time.
Visiting, with agreement from the Ward Sister/Charge Nurse/Nurse in Charge, can be arranged as long as; visitors do not have any symptoms of COVID-19, or are recovering from COVID-19 and have not been knowingly exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
Usually one visitor per patient is permitted, with some exceptions, such as for End of Life Care.
The guidance also outlines changes to Maternity Services. Women can now be accompanied by their partner/nominated other when attending Hospital for the following reasons:
Further guidance can be found on the Welsh Government website.
* Please note these restrictions have been reviewed and are still current as of Tuesday 17th November 2020.