Friday 24th February 2023
This February, as part of LGBT+ history month, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Gwent members of the Proud Councils network are inviting you to join us as we look at the Gwent LGBTQ+ Timeline (Gwent Edition.pdf)
The Gwent LGBTQ+ Timeline is one in a series of timelines being produced to highlight key moments in Wales’ LGBTQ+ story.
Author and historian Norena Shopland has utilised her Welsh historic material collection on sexual orientations and gender identities to inform the timeline, as well as stories and information from those that contributed to the Hanes LHDT+ Cymru / LGBTQ+ Research Group Wales, a group established to encourage and promote research into Welsh LGBTQ+ history. Their website, LGBTQ Cymru, is funded by Swansea University to record as much information as possible on this history.
We now want people to help review our work to date and put forward suggestions for additional content. We are looking for LGBTQ stories and notable events from the depths of history to the present day!
Below is the link to a Microsoft form, where you can submit your own addition to the timeline. This will be one of many chances for members of the public to submit their own stories to be included in the timeline, if there are significant events or information missing. The updated timeline will then be re-launched in June as part of Pride Month celebrations.
For more information on Swansea University and Hanes LHDT+ Cymru / LGBTQ+ Research Group Wales’ work to provide a platform for contributors to LGBTQ+ history in Wales, please visit: