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Wales Covid-19 Well-being Third Survey

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board is supporting a national longitudinal study aiming to understand how the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has impacted on the mental health and emotional well-being of people across Wales. The emotional well-being of our population is a key priority for statutory and third sector agencies and we would like lots of people living in the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board region to participate in this survey.


The survey was initiated by the NHS in Wales back in June 2020 in collaboration with Swansea and Cardiff Universities and all 7 Health Boards across Wales. So far, there have been two phases of the study.  The first collected data from over 15,000 individuals across Wales and the second from over 10,000.  Findings from both phases of research have helped the NHS in Wales understand the mental health and wellbeing needs of the Welsh population.  You can read more about the findings here:


The study has now launched its third survey which aims to examine how the Welsh population’s mental health and well-being has changed over the course of the coronavirus pandemic. The survey results will be analysed at a national, Health Board and Local Authority level and will be used to inform any actions that we may need to take within the NHS to support the well-being of our population as we move forward. We will also ensure that any wider learning is shared with partners via the appropriate partnership mechanisms.


To access the survey, or gain more information about it, please click this link

The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.


To request a paper copy of the survey, please contact 07737 558980.  This phone is unmanned and is an answerphone used solely for posting surveys to people who request it.


The survey can also be downloaded from the website to be completed and returned by post.


If you have any further queries about the study please visit the website, or do make contact with us via and we’ll be pleased to assist.


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  Please also consider asking your family, friends and neighbours to do so.