The way that we deliver care in the Occupational Therapy service is changing due to COVID-19. The current restrictions mean that we have to carry out work using video technology as face to face work is not possible while the pandemic continues and there is an on-going risk of spreading the virus. However all requests for occupational therapy input are reviewed on a case by case basis and where there is an urgent or essential need for a face to face contact then this can be risk assessed and an appointment made. Despite the changed way of working we are still committed to providing all children, families, patients, service users with a high quality occupational therapy service.
British Association of Occupational Therapists / College of Occupational Therapists (2005)
All OTs and OT support staff have access to supervision and individual performance reviews, training (internal and external), regular opportunities for continuing professional development, attendance at speciality meetings, conferences etc. Time for attendance at statutory and mandatory training is provided and support for the development of skills and the implementation of knowledge in the workplace is available. Development opportunities are also available through participation in audit and research and by attendance at clinical lectures / interest groups. By providing these opportunities the Health Board ensures that OT practice is current, up-to-date, and informed, and that therapists are working in the best interests of the client groups they serve.
If you wish to know more about the specialities the OT Service has to offer, then use any of the links on this page for further information. Any questions or queries in general about the OT service may be directed to:
Suzanne Bryant
Head of Occupational Therapy
Room 107c
Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan Pencadlys / Aneurin Bevans University Health Board Headquarters
Ysbyty St Cadocs / St Cadocs Hospital
Ffordd y Lodj / Lodge Road
Caerllion / Caerleon
Casnewydd / Newport
NP18 3XQ